A lady with her tape measure measuring her waist to see if she has lost cm's

Weight Loss Tips: The Best Time to Work Out To Lose Weight


If you’re someone who regularly works out, you've probably heard a range of advice regarding the best times to schedule your exercises. While some people get up early to put on their running shoes, others can't fathom exercising before noon. If you're unsure of the best time to work out to lose weight, you've come to the right place.


Morning Workouts

 A man running across the bridge in his running outfit

Credit: Envato Elements/ bernardbodo


Many experts believe that starting your day off with a workout and an empty stomach can lead to good habits. Morning people swear by morning workouts. The rest of us experience anxiety just thinking about waking up an hour earlier than we need to. Let's look at some of the benefits and drawbacks of an early morning exercise:




1)  Fewer Distractions:


Working out in the morning often makes you less susceptible to interruptions. There is a lower likelihood that you will get calls, messages, or emails. If there are fewer interruptions, you're more likely to complete your workout.


2)  Can Lead to Better Mental Health and Habits:


You might have a better day if you exercise in the morning. You can improve your mentality and become more conscious of your eating habits throughout the day by getting up and exercising.


3)  Is Beneficial for People with High Blood Pressure:


One-third of adults suffer from hypertension or high blood pressure. Numerous research has indicated that working out first thing in the morning may be the greatest strategy for lowering blood pressure. Exercise in the morning, especially when done on an empty stomach, is also quite effective at burning fat that has been accumulated overnight.




1)  Requires You To Wake Up Early:


Early morning workouts require waking up at odd hours. If you don't get to bed early enough the previous night, you will lose important sleep.


2)  Can Lead to Injury:


Morning workouts require you to give your body extra time to warm up before you begin lifting weights. If you don't give your muscles enough time to relax, you risk being injured.


3)  It Takes Time To Determine Suitable Pre-Work Snacks:


Some people find that doing cardio on an empty stomach is effective, but many will discover that they need to prepare and eat something small before working out. It takes time and some trial and error to determine the food selections and serving amounts that are best for your body in the morning.


Afternoon Workouts

 A lady running on the gravel with the mountains in the background

Credit: Envato Elements/ ikostudio


Everybody's body operates uniquely. Morning workouts are ideal for some people but less so for others. Many people find that afternoons are the best time for them to squeeze in a workout. Here are some pros and cons of an afternoon exercise:




1)  Frees Up Your Day:


By fitting in a workout during your lunch break, you are saving time and freeing up more time for yourself at the end of the day.


2)  Greater Energy:


If you're exercising around lunchtime, you've probably already consumed at least one meal. This means that you will have more energy during your afternoon workout.


3)  Prevents Injuries:


Injuries tend to happen more frequently in the morning since we are still sleepy and our muscles are not fully warmed up. The majority of us are awake and sufficiently warmed up in the late afternoon thereby reducing the risk of injuries.




1)  Tight Schedule:


Most of us are on a tight schedule during the afternoon which forces us to rush against the clock when working out. It is possible to squeeze in a workout during lunch, but it requires swift action.


2)  Can Hinder Consistency:


Time constraints in the afternoon can prohibit you from completing a workout. Many often, we are unable to exercise at all in the afternoon due to conflicts with other responsibilities.


3)  Meal Planning:


Deciding whether to exercise before or after lunch involves some consideration and trial & error to determine what works for you.


Night or Evening Workouts

 A lady stretching on the road in her workout outfit

Credit: Envato Elements/ microgen


Many of us believe that the evening is the best time to exercise because it is typically when we relax and have some alone time. Here are some benefits and drawbacks of working out in the evening if you don't like the mornings and find it difficult to work out in the afternoon:




1)  Helps to Destress:


Most people feel stressed out after a long day at work or school. Maybe you're stressed because of the deadlines, or just had a lot to get done. Whatever your reasons, working out at night or in the evening is a great way to unwind.


2)  Will Help You Feel Refreshed in the Mornings:


An evening exercise will help prepare your body for the next day. Your stress levels will decrease, you'll fall asleep more quickly, and you'll feel relaxed and ready to face the next day after working out in the evening.


3)  No Time Constraints:


Unlike morning and afternoon workouts, an evening workout does not have time restrictions and does not require you to race against the clock. Additionally, working out in the evening will allow you more time to enjoy your workout.




1)  It Is the Busiest Time:


Gyms are typically busiest during the evening time, making it difficult to use the equipment.


2)  Limits Your Options:


Your alternatives for physical activity are constrained if you decide to work out late at night. For example, because it is riskier, you cannot go cycling, running, or jogging.


3)  Can Impact Sleep:


While moderate exercise can help in sleep, more intense activity, such as high-intensity interval training (HIIT), should be avoided an hour or so before bedtime as it can compromise the quality of your sleep.


When Is the Best Time to Workout To Lose Weight?

 A lady on the beach wearing earphones and looking at her watch

Credit: Envato Elements/ KostiantynVoitenko


Studies show that early morning is the optimum time to exercise to lose weight. This is largely due to the body's hormonal balance during the mornings. When you exercise in the morning vs later in the day, the body processes fat metabolism far more effectively. You naturally have higher cortisol and growth hormone levels in the morning, so the body will use your body fat for energy.

But getting up early in the morning to exercise might be challenging, and if you can't do it, your consistency will suffer. Consistency is crucial for reaping the rewards of exercise. Therefore, it does not matter if you cannot work out in the morning as long as you work out at some point during the day.


Tips and Tricks for Picking the Best Workout Time

 A lady using a park bench to do her exercises

Credit: Envato Elements/ westend61


Below are some tips and tricks for choosing the best time to workout:


1)  Be Mindful of Your Internal Clock:


Knowing the advantages and disadvantages of several time frames will help you choose the one that best suits you. But so does being conscious of your internal clock, or circadian rhythm. Some people simply can't get out of bed early enough to work out, while others can't stay up late. Learn what works for your body and choose accordingly.


2)  Recognize That Regular Exercise Matters More Than the Timing:


Like mentioned before, consistency is essential. It doesn't matter at what point of the day you work out; what counts is that you do it and stick to it.


3)  Experiment With Timings:


If you're unclear about what time is perfect for you, try experimenting. Try working out in the morning for a week. Next, try afternoon workouts followed by evening exercises. After completing each workout for a week, evaluate how you feel. This is the simplest method to select a time that works for you.




The most important thing to remember from this article is to choose a time of day that works for you, that matches your schedule and then stick with it. Losing weight and belly fat is all about consistency.


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